Dark Mountain Rye Delivery

Dark Mountain Rye

$11.081 loaf.4
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Arrives: Fresh

Josey Baker's favorite loaf of all, he says he was never attracted to Jewish deli-style rye which he called, "white bread with a token of rye and an overpowering amount of caraway." Inspired by Scandinavian-style ryes, his Dark Mountain Rye is his most versatile answer for your daily slice. This high fiber, dense bread is 100% stone ground whole grain rye with no wheat added, naturally leavened with a sourdough culture.

Ingredients: whole rye flour, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, cornmeal, sourdough culture, sea salt

  • #Freshly Baked


Steven V.

super dense

loaded and dense bread. good value but not a sandwich bread. I sliced it thin and added different cheeses for a quick breakfast

Britta Jewell

Real rye bread

Hard to find 100% dark rye bread and this is a great one!

Liz C

Arrived stale and inedible

Normally love this hearty loaf in store, but feed needs to figure out their shipping timing because I could barely eat it/needed to toast it to make it edible.

Nicholas Santos

Not for me

Maybe just a bad load but I was very hard.