Organic Golden Quinoa Delivery
Organic Golden Quinoa Delivery

Organic Golden Quinoa

$7.9016 oz.2
Buy one more to get 5% off!

16 oz.

The Oakland local Edison Grainery, sources its current batch of golden quinoa from Idaho. This variety does not require multiple washing and the taste should be a slightly sweeter by nature. From the novice to the professional, golden quinoa is a real crowd pleaser for cooks of all skill levels. Economical, golden quinoa can cook up to three times its original volume, providing more nutritional value and energy when compared to white rice, pasta or meat.

Ingredients: Organic Whole Grain Golden Quinoa

  • #Organic


Julianne Spitler

Super nutty, cooks quickly

Love it. Quinoa is such a solid food staple. I cook a pot of it and make dishes with it, each day.

Suzanne Motley

Great deal!

The perfect food, nutritious and adaptable to so many dishes!