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Tara's Organic Ice Cream

#Women Owned

Tara’s Organic Ice Cream (T.O.I.C.) is a sustainable and organic ice cream shop offering a new and exciting ice cream experience to broaden your horizons. Established in 2005 by Tara Esperanza in Santa Fe, NM, T.O.I.C. moved to the Claremont / Rockridge location of Berkeley, CA in 2008. Tara’s Organic Ice Cream is hand-crafted in small batches using only the purest organic ingredients, without the use of emulsifiers or stabilizers. Tara uses fresh herbs and freshly ground spices for each batch to create surprising and irresistible flavors, and works with local farms such as Straus Family Creamery, Blossom Bluff Orchards, and Jacobs Farm del Cabo to source the freshest organic dairy, seasonal fruits, and herbs.

Passionately dedicated to sustainability, T.O.I.C. uses compostable cups, pints, and spoons made from sugarcane and potato starch. Additionally, Tara wisely recommends enjoying her premium, hand-crafted ice cream in an organic cone for the most eco-friendly consumption. With a background in fine dining, Tara brings a sophistication to her craft. T.O.I.C. currently serves up a mouthwatering variety of 175 gourmet, certified organic ice cream flavors sure to impress even the most discerning ice cream lover.